501 - Around the Whirlpool
502 - Fly Me To The Moon
503 - Takin' It on the Chinchou!
504 - The Corsola Caper
505 - Mantine Overboard!
506 - Octillery The Outcast!
507 - Dueling Heroes
508 - The Perfect Match!
509 - Plant It Now, Diglett Later
510 - Hi Ho Silver... Away!
511 - The Mystery is History
512 - A Parent Trapped
513 - A Promise is a Promise
514 - Throwing In The Noctowl
515 - Nerves of Steelix
516 - Bulbasaur The Ambassador
517 - Espeon Not Included
518 - For Ho-Oh The Bell Tolls
519 - Extreme Pokemon
520 - An Egg-Sighting Adventure
521 - Hatching A Plan
522 - Dues
and Don'ts
523 - Just Waiting On A Friend
524 - Fit to Be Tyrogued
525 - Xatu The Future!
526 - Talkin' Bout An Evolution! |
527 - Rage of Innocence
528 - Cold As Pryce
529 - Nice Pryce, Baby!
530 - Whichever Way The Wind Blows
531 - Some Like It Hot!
532 - Hocus Pokemon
533 - As Clear As Crystal
534 - Same Old Song and Dance
535 - Enlighten Up!
536 - Will The Real Oak Stand Up?
537 - Wish Upon A Star Shape
538 - Outrageous Fortunes
539 - One Trick Phoney
540 - I Politoed Ya So!
541 - Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
542 - Fangs For Nothin'!
543 - Great Bowls of Fire!
544 - Better Eight Than Never
545 - Why? Whynaut?
546 - Just Add Water
547 - Lapras of Luxury
548 - Hatch Me If You Can
549 - Entei At Your Own Risk
550 - A Crowning Acheivement
551 - Here's Lookin' At You, Elekid!
552 - You're A Star, Larvitar! |