Episode #126> |
into Hop Hop Hop Town, Ash suddenly finds himself being hugged by a strange
lady! It turns out that Ash looks a lot like her son Arnold, who has gone
missing like many other children recently. Ash decides to help Officer
Jenny locate the missing children. When they arrive at the Pokemon Center,
Ash notices that Pikachu is very tired, just like all the other Pokemon
in the center. The Pokemon began acting strangely around the same time
the children disappeared. One of Jenny's detection devices begins to pick
up some strange waves, and they track them to a mansion that turns out
to be an exclusive club of Pokemon fans! They explain that one of their
Drowzee recently evolved into a Hypno, and they use Hypno to cure their
insomnia. When told about the missing children and the Pokemon, the club
president fears that Hypno's altered sleep waves may have caused all the
trouble. Misty goes up to Hypno and when he tries to put her to sleep,
she begins to act like a Seel! She runs out and Ash and the others give
chase. She leads them to a park where the missing children are all acting
like Pokemon! The club president suggests that they use his Drowzee to
counter-act Hypno's sleep waves, and it might cure the children. They return
to the mansion and try it out on Misty, who quickly turns back to normal.
As they leave to bring Hypno to the park, Team Rocket suddenly arrives
and attempts to steal Drowzee and Hypno, but are quickly sent flying by
Staryu and Pidgeotto. Ash gets Drowzee to the park and the children return
to normal. When they go back to the Pokemon Center, all the Pokemon are
back to normal, except one, a Psyduck. The Psyduck follows the kids as
they leave, and Misty trips and a Pokeball falls out of her pocket. Psyduck
taps it with his beak and he's captured! Thus begins a long headache for
Quotable Quotes Kidnapping Hypno and Drowzee James: "I don't get it. Why didn't we do this from the beginning?" Jessie: "We have to fill a half-hour!" Did You Notice?... A scene from the episode "Beauty and the Beach" is used in a flashback sequence, even though we won't see that episode in America until the next season. Noteworthy Who's That Pokemon?: Psyduck! |